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10 Health Benefits of Kale
10 Health Benefits of Kale

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Keeping fit: What to eat, when to eat and why
Keeping fit: What to eat, when to eat and why

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Chicken Satay salad
Chicken Satay salad

Marinate chicken breasts, then drizzle with a punchy peanut satay sauce for a no-fuss, midweek meal that’s high in...

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Apple Berry Detox Smoothie
Apple Berry Detox Smoothie

mixed berries (like raspberries, strawberries, and blueberries)

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Kale Pineapple Coconut Detox Smoothie
Kale Pineapple Coconut Detox Smoothie

Delicious, yet very healthy natural detox

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How to eat healthy and stay fit
How to eat healthy and stay fit

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